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Why are Mobile Games so Popular?

The increased accessibility of smart gadgets, particularly smartphones, has catapulted mobile gaming into the stratosphere and we can confidently say that playing video games as one of the world’s most widely embraced hobbies.

It is expected to continue its ascent, with the number of global smartphone users expected to hit 4.5 billion by 2024 (according to Newzoo).

A couple of days ago, together with an amazing group of experts, Esports Awards invited me to participate in a panel discussion to talk about the current state of mobile gaming and esports. One of the first questions that we addressed was:

“Why are mobile games so popular?” I was thinking about our discussions, and I thought it would be a good idea to elaborate further; so I decided to write an article capturing some of the points we discussed and a few of my personal views.

Several factors have contributed to the meteoric rise in popularity of mobile gaming. Why is this the case? Well, let’s start with the fact that these games can be purchased for a lower price than games for home video game systems.

Simply put, mobile gaming is a social pastime that doesn’t break the bank, and the best thing is that there is a mobile game for everyone, from casual players to serious gamers.

The development of mobile devices has made incredible strides in the past decade and sophisticated mobile technology is now affordable.

The most cutting-edge features and improvements in mobile hardware development, such as 4G/5G, Wi-Fi standards, more efficient hardware, etc. have trickled down to more reasonably priced smartphones and tablets.

Design Fashion Lifestyle Technology Vogue

Top 10 PUBG Players in World

PUBG ranked as the most popular game in 2022. The game has been popular all around the globe. The pandemic gave this game’s popularity a boost. During lockdown, a lot of people downloaded PUBG because it was one of the few ways to socialize and take part in a fun activity.

Unlike other games, PUBG doesn’t need you to own a PlayStation or Xbox, you don’t have to pay money to buy this game or anything, which was another reason why it shot up in popularity. PUBG’s popularity gave us a new type of sporting event – Esports.

Unlike normal sports where players are physically on the playground, Esports takes place virtually. This is a relatively new sports event but has become extremely popular in a short amount of time. It has given a lot of great Esports players, most of whom are extremely young and in school.

Top 10 PUBG Players in the World

10. Jake ‘Snakers’ Winant

9. D1GG3R1


7. TeaBone

6. Inonix



3. PIO



The future of the Esport industry seems bright. It might be the next big thing. The lockdowns and pandemic has popularised the Esport Industry and what used to be pastime for teenagers once, where they would hang out and socialise, could very well become a full time job for the coming generations.

A lot more games have started organising Esport events and the Esport gaming industry is blooming in real time. With national teams of many countries being formed, Esport might soon become a mainstream Sport.