Mobile games are gaining in popularity among students, although the factors driving engagement remain poorly understood. This study, conducted among 378 students studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Digital Sciences at the Université Virtuelle de Côte d’Ivoire, explores the influence of game assets and colours on player engagement. Using an online questionnaire, the study identified students’ gaming preferences and their perception of colours.
The results show that the key elements most favoured by students are graphics, sound design, the game system, narrative, interactivity and accessibility. What’s more, colour plays a decisive role in their preferences and commitment to educational mobile games.
2. State of the Art
Player engagement is a complex concept that has been studied by many researchers [3] [4] [5] [6] . There is no single definition of player engagement, but it is generally defined as the degree to which a player is involved in a game.
Player engagement can be measured by a number of variables, such as time spent playing, number of play sessions, degree of emotional investment and level of satisfaction [4] . Numerous studies have been conducted on gamer engagement [5] . Some studies have examined the factors that contribute to gamer engagement, while others have looked at the consequences of gamer engagement [6] .
3. Game Assets
Game assets are the elements that make up a video game, such as graphics, sound, animations, scripts, user interfaces and so on. They are essential to the creation of an immersive and engaging video game [7] .
4. Colours and Their Impact
Colours are an essential component of human perception [10] . They can have a significant impact on our emotions, thoughts and behaviour.
5. The Method
A survey was carried out among 378 second-year students enrolled in the Computer Science and Digital Science degree program at the Ivory Coast Virtual University.
The students were asked to complete an online questionnaire that gathered information about their gaming habits and preferences, as well as their perception of colors in games.